Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aiport collages

Sally and I recently made some tiny collages canvases and tried our hands at a collaborative art piece. Participants sent a few dollars in the mail to 'The Canvas Project' at the Atlanta Airport, and we received five tiny 2" by 2" canvases in the mail, and five random words chosen by the participants. We then made the canvases as inspired by those words, and the one that we made to the title of 'pilgrimage' made it up on the wall of the airport. It's not our favorite of the set we made, but it is very cool to see such a collaborative project take flight... get it? Airport art? Please, hold your applause.
Our canvas is among these, third row down, fourth from the left. But it's not really about us, it's about the collective appearance, and there are certainly a lot of canvases on display!

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